Unit 5 Vocabulary

Synonym Crossword Puzzle

Complete the crossword, and then click on Check to check your answer. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

1      2                       
 4              5              
 7        8             9         
           10    11              
   13    14           15             


1. beyond control, unruly
3. sloppy, slipshod, careless and hasty
4. given to fighting, truculent
6. a large-scale departure
7. instigator, stimulus, spur
9. submit, yield
11. murky, foggy, not letting light through
12. inactive, dormant, undeveloped
14. baby talk; babble
15. based on one's wishes or whims without regard for reason or fairness
16. disprove, confute
17. simplify, to make easier
18. partner in crime
19. demolish, decimate, obliterate


2. to scold, reproach
5. doleful, morbid, gloomy
8. not running or flowing
9. bondage, captivity, slavery
10. saucy, bold, shameless
13. supreme, foremost, primary