Unit 15 Vocabulary

Synonym Crossword Puzzle

Complete the crossword, and then click on Check to check your answer. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

2   3                     
 4    5                   
   8    9       10            
       11    12             
   15    16           17        
   18          19           


2. broad-mindedness, largesse, magnanimity
4. accuser, complainant
7. reject, decline, snub, repudiate
8. lower, humiliate, demean
12. extend, elongate,
13. blow, shock
15. artifice, ruse, deception
18. still, quiescent, resting
19. fighter, warrior, soldier
20. pester, hound, ravage


1. questionable, suspect, unsettled, undecided
3. incorrigible, remorseless, unrepentant
5. instigate, incite, trigger
6. prey, game; a place from which stone is taken
9. ward off, preclude, stop, deflect
10. (v.) rant, lecture; (n.) tirade, diatribe
11. miscreant, rogue, scoundrel, rascal
14. a large military force; many, numerous
16. uncouth, crude, gauche, vulgar
17. explore, scrutinize; (n.) inquiry, detector