Parts of Speech Quiz

Parts of Speech Quiz

Identify the part of speech for each of the underlined words in the reading.

(1) As a (2) candidate for senator (3) of this beloved state, I am pleased to address such a (4) respected and intelligent audience. (5) We should all be proud to live in (6) our great state. We maintain our cultural heritage, (7) and we are forward-thinking. Progress (8) is the key word (9) in my campaign. I want to represent each of (10) you, my loyal supporters, in Washington so that our mutual goals will be met.

My opponent, however, (11) constantly lies. (12) Wow, he is (13) two-faced. He claims he will represent you (14) well, (15) but he will abandon the goals of the people. (16) His candidacy is self-serving. He (17) sees the Senate merely as a steppingstone to greater heights. He (18) obviously disregards the goals of we common (19) folk in his greed (20) for power.